Whaleomaly Info

Important links

live Anomaly-report

Cassandra Prime Anomaly D2 - Europe
#Linz - Final Score

RES: 268.65
ENL: 131.45

Phase 3

Starburst Measurement 2
RES: 51
ENL: 135

Overall Phase 3
RES: 184 (58%)
ENL: 135 (42%)

Unique Anomaly Zone Hacks

Prime Ops


We end the Anomaly with a bluetiful field.
You have been awesome!

The final scores will be revealed Soon™ :)



#Linz Current Score
ENL 45.13
RES 254.87

Starburst Measurement 1
RES 184


#Linz - Scoreboard

Current Score:
RES: 154.33
ENL: 45.67

Phase 2
RES: 91.3
ENL: 8.7

Phase 1
RES: 63.03
ENL: 36.97


Phase 2: Shards

#Linz Current Score
ENL 45.67
RES 154.33

Final Research Points
ENL 4 (9%)
RES 42 (91%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 46.27
RES 153.73

Research Points
ENL 4 (9%)
RES 39 (91%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 46.49
RES 153.31

Research Points
ENL 4 (10%)
RES 38 (90%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 47.23
RES 152.77

Research Points
ENL 4 (10%)
RES 35 (90%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 48.73
RES 151.27

Research Points
ENL 4 (12%)
RES 30 (88%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 51.26
RES 148.74

Research Points
ENL 4 (14%)
RES 24 (86%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 52.97
RES 147.03

Research Points
ENL 4 (16%)
RES 21 (84%)


#Linz Current Score
ENL 53.64
RES 146.36

Research Points
RES 20


#Linz Current Score
ENL 58.02
RES 141.98

Research Points
RES 15


#Linz Current Score
ENL 65.54
RES 134.46

Research Points
RES 10


#Linz Current Score
ENL 73.33
RES 126.67

Research Points


#Linz Current Score
ENL 86.97
RES 71.24

Research Points


Phase 1: Portal Control
Agents, Let's keep those portals BLUE!

#Linz Current Score after M4
ENL 36.97
RES 63.03


#Linz Current Score after M3
ENL 28.76
RES 71.24


#Linz Current Score after M2
ENL 25.62
RES 74.38


#Linz Current Score after M1
ENL 28.76
RES 71.24


ENL 0 - RES 3

Running/Upcoming events

red means something changed

Past events

red means something changed

Thu, 23.Aug

1600 -open 🐳 Early Whale Party
SWAG-Pickup (only for agents who bought a ticket for this party) on board
@Walross pier | tickets | MyTicket?

Fri, 24.Aug

1600 -1715 🐳 Whalewatching Tour
Please be there at least 15 Minutes before departure.
@Walross pier | tickets | MyTicket?

1600 -2100 NIA-Registration + Paid-Kit-Pickup

1600 -2100 🐳 Swag-Pickup
@Tabakfabrik | Pickup-Infos

1600 -2100 Resistance Bakery Austria
Grab free baked swag and talk with our bakers and friends
@Tabakfabrik | bakery.blue

1730 -2330 GoRuck Stealh Ops
@Donau Park

1730 -1930 🐳 Mural Harbor Tour
Please be there at least 15 Minutes before departure.
@Walross pier | tickets | MyTicket?

1830 -2100 🐳 SegWhale-Tour
Be at 18:15 @Tabakfabrik - Entrance U2 near the "Donaulände" - the gate next to the wagon
@Tabakfabrik | tickets | MyTicket?

1900 -2100 Drink with Carrie Campbell
@Donauterrasse, ARCOTEL Nike Linz

1600 -2100 🐳 Freeswag-Pickup for Teamleader

1945 -2100 🐳 Whalewatching Sunset
Please be there at least 15 Minutes before departure.
@Walross pier | tickets | MyTicket?

2100 -2300 XF Get-Together

2100 -2359 🐳 Walross-Party
Shuttle-boat from "Steg Nr.7" near the Tabakfabrik to the party at 20:45, otherwise directly at the pier.
@Walross pier | Taxi-Boat Pickup | MyTicket?

Sat, 25.Aug

0900 -1400 NIA-Registration + SupporterKit-Pickup

0900 -1300 🐳 Swag-Pickup
@Tabakfabrik | Pickup-Infos

0900 -1400 Resistance Bakery Austria
Grab free baked swag and talk with our bakers and friends
@Tabakfabrik | bakery.blue

1400 -1802 Anomaly Competition
14:00-15:02 Phase1: Portal Battle.
M1 .. 14:15-14:17
M2 .. 14:40-14:32
M3 .. 14:45-14:47
M4 .. 15:00-15:02

15:20-16:30 Phase2: Shard Shuttle.
Shards spawn .. 15:20
Shard jump .. 15:30/35/40/45/50/55
Shard jump .. 16:00/05/10/15/20/25/30

17:00-18:02 Phase3: Link Starburst.
Target set .. 17:00 M1 .. 17:30-17:32 Target set .. 17:32 M2 .. 18:00-18:02
18:02 - Start of RES-Afterparty @Josef
InfoGrafik DE | Infographic EN

1400 -1800 Prime Challenge
@Donau Park

1800 -open 🐳 RES After-Party
FREE entry! - Bakery and Swag-Pickup (what is left)
@Josef | Pickup-Infos

1800 -2100 Lunch+Frakker at Partner Restaurants
Would be better if you visit RES-AfterParty!

2030 -2100 Gathering for GroupPicture + Announcement
@Donau Park

2100 -2115 Group Picture
@Donau Park

2100 -2130 Announcement & Show
We try to stream this to the RES AfterParty
@Donau Park

Sun, 26.Aug

0930 -1000 MissionDay GroupPicture

1000 -1600 MissionDay Registration
you can also send a screenshot of your scanner to linz.missionday.at

1000 -1400 Operation Clear Field
@Donau Park

linz. willbe. blue